Monday, February 09, 2009

George Bisharat on Israel's attack on Gaza

George Bisharat is one of the most respected scholars dealing with legal dimensions of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Here is an article he wrote in the Seattle Times. I've pasted two links.
Evidence suggests that Israel may have committed at least seven serious offenses during its Gaza invasion: launching a war of aggression (because Israel itself triggered the breakdown of a six-month truce, and therefore did not have a valid claim of self-defense); deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure; deliberate killings of civilians; collective punishment; illegal use of weapons, including white phosphorous; preventing care to the wounded; and disproportionate use of force.

Bisharat, in the end, is arguing for a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) strategy that is very slowly gaining momentum in North America. For a well argued call for a BDS campaign see my earlier post from Naomi Klein.

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