Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I just wanted to post this. My dog died a month ago, shortly after I left. I just wanted to throw up the last picture I took of her before I left. My poor doggie.

This is coming from a discussion between my friends here about the fact that because of the ever-present reality of the conflict and the occupation, can you still concern yourself with things like the litter and trash fires here, or animal treatment... or your dog dying?

I think if things like your dog dying don't bother or upset you then you probably shouldn't have a dog. And, in general, I hope that humans don't have a specific, quantifiable capacity for compassion. I don't like to see a donkey getting beaten (what we call "Jordanian style" here) but I don't think that that limits the amount of empathy I feel when I see a teenager being beaten at a checkpoint. At least I hope not.


The Editor said...

aw geez. sorry mans. poor tess.

M. said...

Thanks Scott.